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Cheeky Penguin & Host-Xperts Join Forces! Host-Xperts are the leaders in Reliable, Low-Cost, Custom Web Hosting with the most sophisticated technology connections in North America. Host-Xperts premium web hosting solutions are offered at only $5 monthly, no setup fees, no hidden fees and no ads placed on your website! Host-Xperts specializes in custom web hosting solutions tailored for each individual client. Contact us today with your hosting requirements and we'll quote you within 24 hours! Web Hosting Packages:
What is "Hosting" and why do I need it? For your web site to be seen all the time it must be located on a computer that is accessible to the Internet 24/7, 365 days of the year. So, you need to host your site because if you don't no one will be able to see it. The computer that your site is "hosted" on is the computer that will physically store your pages and will allow anyone who is on the Internet to log on to it and view your site. Hosting Options: Host Yourself: You could host this yourself if you always have your Internet connection turned on and know how to set up your computer to be a server. The down side is your PC is left open to hackers etc when you are not about. It's a huge risk to take for the little that hosting costs. We do not use our personal computers either for hosting websites. We use "servers" who's only job is to host sites. Purchase Hosting: The best way to host your site is with a web hosting company like us who has a server dedicated to hosting websites. We host 100's of sites all in the one location. We do this for a small fee and if your site goes down you don't need to worry about it, we will look after it all for you. If you have any questions about what hosting is or why you need it, please contact us. For more information on our hosting packages, please contact us.